(April 1, 2005) Upcoming List of G.I.Joe Items - The first thing you'll notice is that I didn't put up the list of upcoming items on the commentary page. That because I decided to make it a list of it's own. You may have seen the link when you entered from the front page. Either way you can see it here. - Joe |
(April 1, 2005) Previews April 2005 -
PG 13
PG 287
GI Joe 2ND PTG #1
PG 1 - A Diamond Select Toys ad featuring the Snake Eyes Wall Statue. PG 11 - A Diamond Select Toys spotlight featuring a write up about the Snake Eyes Wall Statue. PG 285 - A Devils'd Due ad featuring G.I.Joe with the words "A NEW ERA OF GREATNESS". Also states the issue will be $.25 for this month. PG 370 - Full page ad for the G.I.Joe Snake Eyes Wall plaque. PG 464 - Snake Eyes Wall Plaque photo featured in the intro for Toys and Models section as a "Featured Item". PG 483 - Full Page ad for the Snake Eyes Wall Plaque. - Joe |
(April 20, 2005) Hiatus Over? - All around the net G.I.Joe fans are singing the praise of saying the hiatus is over. Is it? Head over to Master Collector site to see more then come back here. I'll wait! Now that you see the news being reported, those are some cool preview images right? It's especially cool to see the retro style packaging. On the side of a coolector, this is really great. Single pack figures with card art has been begged for by collectors for a while now. It sounds like everything that collectors have wanted. many of us have suggested the idea of buying online. I've actually talked with Hasbro at a convention about it one time. It sounds great ... ... BUT I can't help looking on the down side. Hasbro is a huge corporation. They always look at numbers and have killed lines for not selling their expectations even though the line might be selling well. How can an online sales bracket aimed at collectors generate the sales bracket they normally look for? This is good news, but how long will it last? I'd rather look at it that way until we know more. The last few months they have been saying "hiatus" but now they're throwing this out there as if to say they were joking or something. It just leaves lots of questions and Hasbro isn't one of those companies that's usually willing to answer. I guess we'll have to wait for the G.I.Joe convention for more! - Joe |
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